Nono, het Zigzag Kind 2012

Adventure Drama Family

Nono, a Dutch kid lacking two days being thirteen, runs away from problems at home and, disguised as a girl, takes up with the world's cleverest thief, who unbeknownst to Nono, may hold the bizarre key to his true identity.

Tous les titres
  • Nono, the Zigzag Kid
  • The Zigzag Kid
  • Nono, the Zigzag Kid
  • NONO, the ZIGZAG Kid
  • AR: Nono, el niño zigzag Nono, el niño zigzag
  • BR: Nono, O Menino Zigue-Zague Nono, O Menino Zigue-Zague
  • EU: The Zigzag Kid The Zigzag Kid
  • DE: Zickzackkind Zickzackkind
  • GR: Το παιδί 'ζιγκ-ζαγκ' Το παιδί 'ζιγκ-ζαγκ'
  • HU: Nono, a bajkeverő Nono, a bajkeverő
  • IL: Yesh yeladim zigzag Yesh yeladim zigzag
  • PL: Zigzag Kid Zigzag Kid
  • SK: Detektívom nanecisto Detektívom nanecisto
  • ES: Nono, el niño detective Nono, el niño detective
  • US: The Zigzag Kid The Zigzag Kid
Date de sortie 03 Oct 2012
Lien IMDb
